Ana Frank Casa Virtual

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Ana frank casa virtual. Perfect life 580 309 views. In july 1942 the frank family went into hiding. Visite nuestro museo y lea más acerca de nuestras actividades educativas en todo el mundo.

Take a look around and discover the secret annex where anne frank hid for more than 2 years during wwii and where she wrote her diary. The van pels family followed a week later. El sitio web oficial de la casa de ana frank con la información más completa y actualizada sobre ana frank su diario y la casa de atrás.

The virtual reality tour is already used by dozens of other museums and institutions all over the world. Visit our museum and read more about our educational activities across the world. The two families already knew each other.

Four months later. Experience the world famous secret annex of the anne frank house in a never before seen way. The official website of the anne frank house with the most complete and up to date information about anne frank her diary and the secret annex.

Travel back to the years of the second world war and wander through the rooms of the secret annex where anne frank her family and four other jews hid from nazi persecution during ww2. Those who cannot climb the stairs to visit the secret annex. Anne frank her life in pictures some of them are rare that you may not have seen before duration.

Step inside hiding in the secret annex on the prinsengracht. Immerse yourself in anne s thoughts as you traverse each faithfully recreated room fully restored thanks to. El museo de ana frank lanza una visita virtual a la casa en la que la niña se escondió de los nazis.

Besuchen sie unser museum und erfahren sie mehr über unsere weltweiten bildungsaktivitäten. La casa de ana frank países bajos 5 alanxelmundo. No podíamos irnos de holanda sin antes conocer la casa en donde se escondieron ana frank y su familia.

The anne frank house vr app is available for visitors to the anne frank house who have limited mobility.

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